How to Upgrade to Facebook Timeline

Unless you live under a rock, Facebook announced some major changes yesterday during their annual F8 Conference. The keynote started with an hilarious Andy Sandberg from SNL..You can watch it here…..

One of the major changes announced is called Timeline which is basically the story of your life. While I’m sure there will be outrage from many Facebook users, I welcome the change and cannot wait for this to be rolled out later this month. I also can’t wait for my Fan Page (PaynesBrain) to be upgraded

I was actually so happy about the change that I couldn’t wait to upgrade, so below are the steps you will need to take to upgrade to the new timeline profile if you can’t wait an entire week like me.

Here’s what my new timeline profile looks like.



Setting up the new timeline is quite easy and should only take 5 mins (maybe longer for those who have difficulty typing) of your time:

Step 1

– Search “developer’ from Facebook Search. Click the first result which should look like this. Caution, you will need to grant access to the app for your account. I’m sure this shouldn’t be too much of a problem as Facebook already has all of your information.

Step 2
– Create a new app from inside the Developer App. Call it anything you want (I used my first name and last name, original I know), and agree to all the privacy agreements. Again, don’t worry it’s Facebook.
Step 3
– Complete the captcha request (Facebook wants to make sure you are human after all) and head over to your app settings where you will click on the open graph tab to create an action for your app.


Step 4
– Create an action for your app. As you can see from the pic above, I used read book. While this may come as a surprise to some, I do read books. Recently read “The Thank You Economy” and I’m currently reading “Made to Stick


Step 5
– This one is pretty straight forward. Submit your app with the confirmation pages at the bottom.


Step 6
– This is where the magic takes place. Once the wizards from Facebook accept your app, takes about a min, visit and you will magically see and invite to try timeline.


Step 7
– Click Accept and BOOM…your done.


Step 8
– Deciding on your cover photo. Please keep it tasteful but for those of you who like to hack your friends Facebook accounts, this will provide you with a great opportunity to pull a great prank on someone.


Step 9
– Announce to everyone that you upgraded to timeline and give them to this article to show your appreciation because they will not be able to see your new profile until they upgrade themselves. That is until later next week.


Step 10
– Now try explaining this to your mom, your dad, and grandma…have fun with that.


Again, here’s a link to my new timeline profile (add me or subscribe to my updates)

Looking for help with Timeline for Business, please read Facebook For Business – Facebook Fan Pages for Timeline Overview

You can also find me on Twitter


About the Author

14 thoughts on “How to Upgrade to Facebook Timeline

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