Are You in Facebook’s People/Pages Directory?

While catching up on all of news of the day last night, two things stood out. First, in case you have yet to see all of the reposts and retweets, Groupon is filing for an IPO. As one of the worlds fastest growing companies, it will be interesting to watch the daily deal space in the coming months as Google, Facebook and Microsoft all have launched competing products recently.

The second thing that I stumbled upon was Facebook people directory while searching for Facebook pages that contained the term “Newfoundland”. The directory is an alphabetical list of pages ranked by the number of fans you have. I immediately jumped to the letter “L” to see how where Lady Gaga ranked in the world of Facebook. Here’s what I found: Lady Gaga currently has over 35 Millions little monsters. That’s 25 millions more monsters than she has on Twitter where she recently became the first Twitter user to reach the 10 million follower milestone. You can become a Twitter Monster for  Gaga here


So if you wondering where your Facebook Fan Page ranks in comparison to all other pages, I encourage you to visit

So once I scanned a few letters to see which pages where tops, I then jumped to the Facebook People Directory where I found a list of 13 Sheldon Payne’s


In case you are curious as to how many other people share your name on Facebook, you may want to give this a try. However, if you are on the list and you do not want to be found, I encourage to update your privacy settings to get de-listed.

To remove yourself from this directory, simply change your search privacy settings which should like this:

1 Comment

  1. marc cassidy…

    […]Are You in Facebook’s People/Pages Directory? | Digital Marketing Advice[…]…

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