St. John’s, NL – Newfoundlander Andrew Woodland is a finalist in BMW’s Ultimate Blogger Competition. The Canadian contest challenges entrants to prove they are both social media savvy and BMW fanatics. Woodland has passed through the first phase of the contest which saw over 600 entrants compete for the top twenty spots based on a single blog post.
Phase two required the top twenty to conceive, shoot and edit a video blog in only 48 hours. Woodland’s video features rolling Newfoundland coastline as well as tourism icons such as the colourful homes of Gower Street. ‘Newfoundland is such a fun place to drive’, says Woodland. ‘I wanted to showcase this character in my video.’
The contest winner becomes the ultimate blogger for a year with perks including a condo in Toronto, salary of $65,000, use of two new BMWs and travel to report on BMW events around the world. The contest is a promotion for Endras BMW in downtown Toronto, and has drawn competitors from as far away as Pakistan and Lithuania. ‘The competition is certainly tighter in this round’, said Woodland. ‘It’s clear some entrants have their whole country rooting for them. I’ll need a lot of support to ensure I make it to the final ten. This really is the dream job for me.’
Here’s Andrew’s Video Submission:
Woodland has been a BMW enthusiast for over a decade and founded the Newfoundland BMW group in 2009. He is currently an Executive Member and Newfoundland Representative of the BMW Club Atlantic Canada. He recently travelled to Germany with the BMW Club Atlantic Germany Tour to drive on the world famous Nurburgring track and take in all things BMW. Voting is open until April 22nd, and votes can be cast daily at
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Jonathan Duke
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